Linette Popoff-Parks
Music takes us out of the actual...
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Teaching & Presentations
"I wanted to prove the sustaining power of music"
David Bowie

Lecture Topics

Piano Teaching
Taubman Approach to Piano Technique
(Master Class option)
The Other Schumann: Clara Wieck's Life and her Works for Piano
How to use Music Theory to Teach Interpretation
Advanced Music for Pianists with Small Hands
Collaborative Musicianship: Consorting with Singers

Guest Lecturer - Samples
Orchestra Pre-Concert Talks
Chamber Music Society of Detroit
Pre-Concert Talks
Michigan Music Teachers Association State Conference Presenter
Michigan Music Teachers Association Local Chapter Guest Presenter and Clinician
I teach applied piano at Madonna University in Livonia, MI, and maintain a home studio for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.
If you are interested in lessons, please send me an email.

© 2006 All Rights Reserved
"How to Get a Handel on What's Haydn in Your Students' Heads"
Learning to Write
Writing to Learn
(Madonna College Humanities Writing Program Dissemination Booklet, 1986)
Edited by E. Nolan & K. O'Dowd
The Omnibus Essential Guide to Classical CDs (Schirmer Trade Books, 2004):
biographies of
Christoph Willibald Gluck;
Karl Goldmark; Louis Moreau Gottschalk; Morton Gould; Enrique Granados;
Edvard Grieg
Teaching Large Classes: Lecture/Listen or Active Student Engagement
NEH Distinguished Professorship
General Education courses