My favorite quotes, taken from student papers

Student Wisdom:
“This was performed by the Whale Gas Ensemble. “ (OK, you figure it out)
“The song I listened to was the Transcendental 8 Toll.”
“ Tchaikovsky went to the St. Petersburg Observatory of Music.”
“Mozart had a son named Beethoven who was born blind in his late twenties.”
(We all knew Mozart was a genius, but. . .)
“I couldn’t figure out what instrument was making the guitar sound.”
“Yohannis Bronz” (a very creative, albeit phonetic, spelling of “Johannes Brahms”)
“Respighi immobilized Rome with his famous series of pieces Fountains of Rome and Pines of Rome.
“Amid Ice Cream” (an equally creative spelling of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”)
More interesting spellings: Yasha Highfits & Glen Goole.
“Thanks for introducing us to opera - I found out it really doesn’t stink.”
(This kind of comment makes it all worthwhile)
I think the class on opera opened my ears to a new way of thinking.
I enjoyed this concert so much, I would defiantly attend another performance by this artist.